Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 39 from season 2.

2016-05-01 - my job i never talk about

Season 2 - Episode 39 - 05-01-2016
In his studio Casey takes an electric screwdriver and takes his right shoe of. He shows that he has a screw in the sole for the last 3 days, he was not able to remove it before. The screw has been poking the bottom of his foot since he was in Los Angeles. Mexican breakfast with Candice and Francine. A little bit of family time before he goes to work. It is Sunday but he has a huge work day. Rainy day, under the stroller, 2 skateboards. Casey asks if it will be enough for Candice and Francine or if he should take more from his office. In fact it is the opposite, he returns them to the studio because there were 5 at home. He leaves Candice and Francine and goes into his studio. He forgot he had his drone strapped outside of his backpack. With the rain, the drone is wet. This drone is tough but he is not sure it can handle being wet. He dries it and flies it inside. It works. Amazing considering he crashed it in the powerline 2 days ago, it crashed badly on the ground, then soaking wet. He tries to be as honest as possible, but he needs to address something today. Custom Beme pennyboard. He wants to talk about Beme. He used to talk a lot about it. In the last 6 months he hasn't mentioned it once. Many people asked about the company, is it dead? He explains that a year and a half ago he started Beme with the idea of "could we build an app/community to make and share videos without really having to make and process videos". They made it, it works. He shows how the app works, very simple. The launch was great. He shows the Beme office in details. The place where people works, the projector, the snacks. After the crazy launch they raised more money, hired more people, had the new office, they continue to build and work. And then people stopped downloading and using Beme, it faded away. They talked about it with Matt and they realize that the app sucks. The idea is awesome but the app itself needs to be better. So in January they had a meeting with the whole team and started to find ways to make the app better. They think they figured it but it took five months to build the new app. He reads the comments, but he did not answered because every time he talks about Beme, people download it, and they didn't want people to download it before the new one is ready. It was painful not to talk about it but he has to. Today the new app is ready, they launched it on the app store and Google play store. Once again he can talk about Beme. He also has made a second video today just about Beme. In the hallway of his office Steinberg is here, Casey has to return a Gopro to him. At night, the city is empty and it is so dark, it is the perfect time to try to attach the Lume Cube lights to his drone. He uses regular tape. He wants at least try. He goes outside and starts to fly. The drone seems to struggle with the extra front weight. But it looks like a spaceship. He returns the Gopro, ring the bell but nobody opens the door even if there is a lot of noise inside.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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