Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 37 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 37 - 04-29-2016
Los Angeles, California. Casey is in an airplane, he says that there is a wolf inside. He shows him, it is a huge dog. Morning drive, Casey is on his way to the movie set / shoot. He does a cameo in a movie today. Jerome is there. Casey is a man of many talents, parking is not one of them. Logan's movie. First feature film. They go have a loot at the set. Fake security check set. Peni-scan 3200, a body scanner, they say they don't look at your penis, but... Casey is going to play a TSA agent, monitoring penises and sleeping. The set is incredible, but he has to see the plane. The cockpit is the original one from the movie Airplane. They joke about the famous quotes: roger Roger, clearance Clarence. What is our vector Victor. Jerome's costume will be a tiny yellow swimsuit. Casey goes in his trailer to change. Not very fancy. He shows his costume and pants. Tie, shoes, badge... He meets Jerome with his girlfriend outside, ready for action. We see some views inside after the first scene was shot. Casey explains what he has to do. Sitting on a chair, sleeping and snoring. Makeup. Later he shows footage that has been recorded for the movie on a computer screen. At lunch time he takes his drone, it should be fun to harass the crew. A guy there has a 125cm3 motorcycle. He lends it to Casey. Drone views of Casey riding the motorbike. He ends up crashing the drone in a powerline. Jerome was about to take Casey's camera to shoot Casey. In the afternoon, more shots inside the airplane, the security check... Roman (romanatwoods) is also here as a TSA agent. Casey leaves after a last goodbye to Logan who is trying to put on a weird Steadicam rig. In the car ride back he explains that everyday someone asks him if he want to make big Hollywood movies someday. His answer is always no. Putting all these pieces together like today reminded him why he is vlogging. Drone views of the highway around sunset. Fire truck. His favorite part of going to Los Angeles is being at the beach. Being inside all the day was tough for him. He doesn't have his boosted board but he has a small skateboard. He explains that when they were here last December with Candice, they talked about the possibility to move here, when they talked about it, they agreed that if they move, they should come as close as possible to the beach he is right now. Drone views of the beach he is talking about, at sunset. Santa Monica. Video call with Jerome at night.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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