Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 30 from season 2.

2016-04-22 - NOT WHILE I'M DRIVING!

Season 2 - Episode 30 - 04-22-2016
In the car, Candice explains that they have all these responsibilities, she is happy but doesn't have time to smile. Early meeting outside, at the Juice place.Boosted board ride there. Meeting. A cab drivers horns while he is next to Casey, he opens his window and shows that he is watching his vlog. Casey answers that he is not supposed to do this while driving. He stops to make a selfie with Casey. In the studio he explains that the day is over and he has done nothing. He tried to implement a new strategy a couple of weeks ago, he explains it on his shooting table with papers and pens. Meetings, phone calls and emails are the opposite of work. Being left alone to think and make stuff is the epitome of work, but if you are not careful, the meetings/phone calls/emails can consume all of your time. He shows a typical day with email, meetings, calls. Between, most of the time it is for coffee, bathroom. Nothing time. At the end of the day, the day is over and you have nothing done. His idea was to have no meetings, no calls, no emails between 12pm and 5pm. But he failed miserably. All business takes place between 12 and 5. He tried but it doesn't work. Communication is the backbone of business. He loves meetings. Boosted board ride to the Brooklyn bridge. He wants to play with his drone. Drone views of the river and the surroundings. Ferry and taxi boats. Fans waiting next to him while he takes the drone back. Boosted board ride back. He feels better because he did something. Creating something can cure anything. Strange noise in the boosted board motor. He breaks everything. Later they are stuck in the traffic in their car. Casey says that people in the comment have said that Candice was smiling more in the old footage. Candice explains that they were not married, that was like a holiday. She does not have the time to smile anymore. The GPS is a little crazy. An hour and 2 minutes more driving to do. They arrive in a friends house. Casey talks with a young boy, they have to do something cool together. He has no idea. He wants to kick his brother in the butt. Dinner. Francine wents nuts. Long journey home, Candice drives because he is so tired he would fall asleep at the wheel.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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