Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 24 from season 2.

2016-04-16 - Kinda Disgusting

Season 2 - Episode 24 - 04-16-2016
Candice wants to buy new shades for Francine's bedroom, because there are huge windows and a lot of sunshine, but Casey and Candice fixed the old ones with tinfoil. Saturday morning, family day. Nothing planned except buying furniture. Casey's dad will come in NYC, he never comes there because he works everyday in his restaurant. They go outside in a park next to their apartment, goose poo everywhere on the grass. Francine walks in the grass. First time for her. Quick snack then carousel. They meet Roi. He has a regular skateboard, Roi shows tricks. Francine tries the skateboard too. Drone views above a skateboarding bowl and the surroundings.They hang around the carousel but Francine does not go inside, she hates carousels, she screams all the time. Roi and Casey climb stairs, follow long corridors, Casey is following Roi, with no idea where they are going, they will meet someone, but the place is empty, nobody was there. Back in the new apartment, Casey has to assemble a bed before his dad come. Metal frame, lots of metal noises. He put the bed without following the instructions, they didn't make any sense. It's done but he has many leftover parts. Francine and Candice have a nap, so he leaves the apartment on his boosted board. In the street a vapor stream comes out of a manhole cover. They are probably releasing pressure. He explains that from time to time there is a pressure problem that makes a manhole cover popping up, he shows tv news from this kind of super dangerous accidents. Skater gang in the street. Back in the studio. He wants to check and show us the construction work that has been done in the back room / old desk. The renovation continues. New walls because the old ones had too many holes inside. He is he to take mesurements. This project will be done, piece by piece. Having a good work environment is important. His new desk has already improved the way he works. BB ride back home, he is proud that in 16 years living in NYC it is the first time he has a place where he can have someone stay and sleep in his apartment. And the first one is his dad. 50% chance that the bed will collapse. Very narrow space between a car and a bus, he manages to go between them on his BB.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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