Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 158 from season 2.

2016-09-07 - close call

Season 2 - Episode 158 - 09-07-2016
London. Casey follows a flight attendant and they double everybody in the boarding line. 9am fancy breakfast with Connor and Joe an Olympic gold medalist. The food is almost too fancy to eat it. Some girls around weights the gold medal, it's heavy. Casey tries to take advantage of the time in London to explore the city. His friends use rental city bikes, they are slow compared to the boosted board. He lends his BB to Joe, who should be qualified. Joe manages to ride it. Drone views of London. A guy on a motorcycle, his son is a huge fan of Casey, he takes a selfie with Casey. A middle age lady saying hello. Backat the hotel, boosted board in the hallway. 12 minutes to pack before a car picks him. Lots of packages (the new suitcase, the GQ award). He tries to sleep in the car. He is late. He got a call from Virgin airlines, he underestimates the time needed to go to Heathrow airport. In front of the terminal a lady from Virgin airlines is waiting for him and she accompanied him all the way to make him board as fast as possible. A quick stop in the lounge so he can see what he is missing. there is a spa/pool, a tumble tryer for his bikini, gourmet food, closed space for kids.... He wished he had partitioned time for that. He had never seen a lounge like that neither he had a dedicated person escorting him all the way through the airport. Details of the free toilet kit. The flight is long enough to have food and sleep. He loves being back in NYC. Kids everywhere at the baggage claim. Lots of bags. Google maps (on him Samsung Note 7) says 1 hours and 12 minutes to go back home. Not this time. Helicopter ride instead. He loves helicopters. Then boosted board ride with all the suitcases and boxes taped together. It worked great, it was the only way so he can be on time for a school meeting with Candice for Francine orientation. They are happy that the school will provide a little bit of structure that she is currently lacking. In the hotel, the grooms are here to help him to pack, he is late and has small problems.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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