Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 157 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 157 - 09-06-2016
London, Casey is riding his boosted board between 2 double-decked buses. Very narrow space. Casey wakes up in his first class seat. He puts the bed back into a regular seat. So what is he doing here in London? View of the hotel room, more like a huge size apartment. He is invited to the GQ Men of the year awards diner. HE has no idea about it, but judging by the size of the hotel room, it seems to be a big deal. They sent him a goodies bag... more of a goodie box. Lots of free stuff. A suitcase... filled with lots of skin care products. He wants to ride the boosted board in the streets of London, first time a BB2 is there! A fan recognizes CAsey in the street, she wants to take a picture with him. He likes the boosted board 2, it's so fast. He asks advises to other people in the street on what he should do the next 10 minutes. He has to remember to stay at the left of the street. Big Ben. Back at the hotel. A cocktail and a little coffin with snacks in it (macarons...). A man takes his tuxedo in the room. The concierge calls him, a car is waiting for him. He makes a joke about not being appropriate to bring his camera. Outside on the red carpet. Lots of fans calling his name. A bit weird to be there, he does not know anybody, he is from New York City and here it is London, but everybody seems super friendly. He finds one friend: Connor. He might have to give a speech, he is totaly unprepared. He is GQ's New Media Star. he makes a small thank you talk. Back at the hotel room he shows the award. He explained that he received this award by just making videos and clicking the upload button on YouTube, the same that anyone can click. It's a tool that didn't existed before. Used with the proper tools, anybody can do it. Joe Clarke, Olympic gold medal.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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