Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 155 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 155 - 09-04-2016
Special edition summer vacation recap episode. Venice italy. On a boat, no idea of what the day will be. Recap of the romantic honymoon vacation. They were on a cruise ship, the same as their honeymoon. Video call from the boat. Interruption, Casey talks from a park where they are doing a family picnic. This is the place where he records the voiceover. Interruption because in the park with lots of kids there is a guy with his hands under his girl's skirt, he is lifting her dress and they see her entire ass. Back on the boat, heavy rain and storm, they are at the bar. Tiny room on the boat. They have named pajamas. Lots of retired people. They were the youngest. Dance party with old people. No luggage, Candice tries to arrange the thing by having the suitcases delivered at the places where they will stop during the cruise. Croatia, still no bags, but maybe tomorrow. Later: information, they found only one bag. Drone views from Venice (at the beginning) and Croatia. Candice luggage, huge pink suitcase is there. Back on the cruise ship. Everyday there was a stop, you can go visit the city or swim at the back of the boat, just behind. One day they rented a boat. Candice was able to drive it. Candice talks about her ass, Casey shows her ass. They found a beach that they made their own. Best spot of the tour. Transparent water, under water shots. Swimming in a cave. Candice is sleeping on a small boat. Jet skis. Drone view of a fortress. Back from the park. Candice is eating food straight from the microwave. First time they had vacation without the baby. Getaway. Francine is awake. 4:55am the final minute of their vacation. Candice is trying to finish packing, Casey is waiting for her.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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