Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 154 from season 2.

2016-09-03 - WHY i LOVE THIS PLACE

Season 2 - Episode 154 - 09-03-2016
People partying on a sailboat. Saturday morning 7:00am Francine is finishing her work. Shoes then ready for a walk in her small stroller car. Sit outside for breakfast with Candice. Francine climbs and run everywhere. In a small fountain. Afternoon run during Francine's nap. A guy trying to use a jet ski. It's cold today: how the universe knows when it's the first week-end of september so it turns the temperature all the way down. 8 miles run. Candice and him fight often about him saying he goes out for a quick run and come back more than an hour. He is back in the apartment, the girls are gone. Barbecue restaurant.Blue Smoke. They give Francine an uncooked cookie, with colored sugar she can put on top, then they bake it during the meal and give it back for dessert. Francine does a selfie, smiling at her on the camera. She uses a scooter in a mall, crashing on the transparent guard-rails. Casey is almost sleeping in a lounge chair in a shop. Candice is shopping for clothes for Francine as she will go to school in a few weeks and the school has a strict dress code. Margarita cocktail in a plastic cup in the baby clothes shop. Candice explains that the school requires that Francine offer a book to the class for her birthday so she can experience what giving means, not just receiving. No food or cakes for birthdays. New Samsung watch. A review soon. About reviews: he really likes the new boosted board. It's fast as hell. Outside, lots of people. He still have no idea what it is. A party on governor's island. A girl explains the concept. He wishes he could go. Drone views of him riding the new BB. Holiday week-end. Labor day. Everybody leaves the city, so the only people remaining are people who really wants to be here (or have nowhere else to go). The positivity, energy is great. Ultimate week-end to be here. Francine running everywhere, he tries to catch her. The day ends with him chasing Francine at sunset. In the baby store, Francine does not want to go out of the crib.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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