Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 153 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 153 - 09-02-2016
New York. a couple of bros, sleeping in their car, checking their cellphones. The plane lands in NYC airport. Timelapses at the airport. Taxi ride back to Manhattan. Drone views. 1:00pm at the apartement. He took some time with Francine, slept, time with Candice too. He missed the skyline, his boosted board, his juice, his commute, the studio. It's the longest time he has been away from New York City. Working in an airplane seat is not as glamorous as it sounds. Matthew Santoro Mind Blown new book. Rogaine hair regrowth treatment. He has thick hair, no problem with that. It was difficult to be far from the family those last days, but the second most difficult thing was... not able to test the new boosted board. He got an early version 2 prototype, not fully functional. Today he has a finished product. 2 boosted boards. Especialy good to have one of those since he has lost the old one in Colorado. As usual, he wrotes a number on them: 5 and 6, and paint the usual green arrow to make the front and back more distinguishable. He tries the number 6 in the street as the 5 has non dried paint on it. It is faster, improved wheels. 6:03pm he is not late at home. Nobody's there, but he recieved the picture of Francine for the Juicy couture campaign in a big large framed print. Francine and Candice are in a pharmacy. He finaly finds them. Swing, ladder steps, in a park. At night, baby and Candice are asleep. He likes to travel but he enjoys so much being home with the family. On his boosted board on a narrow path, he has to make people doing a wedding photo shoot move so he can go around them.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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