Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 152 from season 2.

2016-09-01 - A DAY OF PERFECTION

Season 2 - Episode 152 - 09-01-2016
Panama city. Strange to be in a hottub with 2 strangers. Yesterday they take off in a lightstorm, this morning they also land in a lightstorm. 45 minutes layover. Next, another plane to Colombia. Nobody next to him, lots of space in the place. Cartagena. Hot in Colombia. A woman is waiting for him. Car ride to the hotel. He would like to fly the drone in the lobby of the hotel. Nice room with a great view. Not a lot of time to explore Cartagena. Huge multi level pool. He asked people via Twitter to give him ideas to visit Cartagena but nobody came back to him. He almost drown shooting a 10 seconds clip upside down in water rings. 35 more minutes. Freddie his driver is nice and friendly. He drives him in the city center. There are guarrds with guns everywhere but the driver says it's not dangerous. Drone view of the city. Back at the hotel, 2 minutes to change. Presentation in the convention center. It is so humid there that the lens is all blurry. He explains what his talks are about: yesterday it was internet marketing, traditional versus new media. Today is more business focused. Is he paid for these events? Yes and no. When he is invited to talk in universities for example (Yale, MIT...) he is not paid for it. When the ones that are more for profit, with people paying to attend to the event, yes sometimes he is paid for them. But all the time they pay so he can go and stay there, so it is a nice excuse to travel. Press interview. Back at the hotel. It went well. Afternoon run. Amazing view on the ocean. He meets a fan on the trip back, the guy is so surprised and happy. Casey rides his skateboard. After the pool he let himself fall in the swimming pool. At night sightseeing tour with Freddie. Drone views of the fortress castle. Another episode ending with Casey in a plane. During his run, a 10 feet deep hole in the ground with no protection around.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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