Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 151 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 151 - 08-31-2016
Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Casey is asking to a guy in the lobby of the hotel if he is freaking out. Totally. He opens the blinds of his hotel room. Hotel gym. He starts to explain his day but the camera falls on the back. Back in the hotel room. Someone will pick him up very soon. He knocked a glass in the room yesterday, it was an accident. Car drive to the place where the event occurs. Sneak peak of the crowd. HE is freaking out. Green room, lounge, it is white. He wants to be alone a little bit before his presentation so he can focus. He starts his talk and give his camera to the speaker, the camera keeps recording the beginning of his talk. During the presentation he escapes a few times because he plays video he has made. At the end he shoots the crowd. Lots of people. Backstage. He also shoots the video crew with fancy stabilizers. It went very well. Strong Brazilian lunch. If he was a superhero in a movie, his villain would be emails. 70 emails that needs to be responded while outside the city is waiting to be discovered. He ended his presentation by asking 1700 people if they want to go for a run with him this afternoon. One, Gabriel is driving him (and Jeff) to a place (park) where he can have a nice run. But the park is closed, so he runs in the neighborhood. Drone views of the surroundings. Beautiful horizon. The sun is setting. When he arrives at night, a coconut is waiting for him. They drive back, it is the car of Gabe's mom. It stinks sweat inside. Back in the center, he wants to do something easy for the ret of the night. karting. go-kart. Helmet, gloves, neck-protection. He rides with Brazilian youtubers. It is fast. He enjoys it very much. Casey is last, 3 laps behind. Back at the hotel for a quick dinner in the bedroom. He packs, 11:35pm, time to go to the airport. It is pouring rain on the tarmac while the plane is taking-off

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
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