Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 145 from season 2.

2016-08-17 - 1 MORE DAY!

Season 2 - Episode 145 - 08-17-2016
In the studio, Casey's camera almost hit the ground, he caught it right before it touches the ground. Timelapses in the plane, back to NYC. Rush hour in New York City. 4:00pm he did not leave the apartment since now. Cab ride to the office, because somewhere during the cross-country trip he has lost the boosted board. He had it in Denver (footage), then in Vegas, no idea where the boosted board is. It was the Pokeboard 2. The boosted board wall looks sad. Positive news: he is going to take his pants off. He got his usual blue jeans fixed. Mending is better than ending. Equipment gear room. Today he has a shoot, it is the perfect test for the room. Gopro, stabilizer. Having gear is half the issue, having gear organized is the other half. Tour of the annex. The best part: Candy. The loft is secured. 2 people working there now. This morning he slept. Sleep is important, but it is screwing is day. Shopping for 2 t-shirts. Quick trip to the Apple store. They don't have the only yhing he is looking for. It's dark outside but it is not late, summer is over. He didn't want to come back to the office but has to, to grab the stabilizer for his DSLR. Now it is time to go home. A picture of Candice with "I love bean burritos" written on her belly. A picture of Francine eating her dinner. He shows them because some people commented that they are missing them. He is alone in the flat, with Owen far away, it makes him realize how much he loves them and depends on them.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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