Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 141 from season 2.

2016-08-13 - 1,000 MILES IN 14 HOURS

Season 2 - Episode 141 - 08-13-2016
Welcome to Chicago. Day 2 of the "I'm driving my kid to College" trip. Chicago scenery. 8:14am, he worked earlier. Quick run. Owen is still sleeping, opportunity. Back at the hotel, he discovers that he has taken a shirt from Candice, no big deal and he likes the color. Owen and him take free time in a park, walk in the streets, seek for a place to lunch. They wanted to go to the rooftop restaurant to have a great view but there was a one hour waiting line so they ended up in a place with zero window instead. Drone views of Chicago, car trip is starting. Owen is driving very far away for the wheel. Casey is making fun of him, putting a pillow behind his neck. Nice car but very small gas tank. Drones views of the road. RedBull. Iowa. World's largest truck stop. They make a detour. Casey is already disappointing... but in fact no. It is very impressive. Massive. Chrome smokestacks. Lights for trucks. A truck rotating inside the shop. Sword collection, ... Back in the car Casey shows their position on printed maps. New gas stop. Walnut Iowa. Stop at Kum&Go station. Casey exercises outside when a loud siren goes off. No idea what it is. Stop in Nebraska at 8pm for dinner. Constant conflict with wanting to be efficient and not wanting to only be in the car and discover the cities. Boosted board small ride to view what is outside. Back in the car, timelapse of the sunset. Last fill-up at Casey's gas station around midnight. They are still far from their destination, Casey wants to stop today's episode on a cliffhanger: will they arrive in Colorado tonight? will Owen keep driving? ... Stopped at night by the police. They have a ticket for being a little over the speed limit. Owen has to go inside the police car, no idea why, weirdest part of the arrest. $124 fine.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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