Casey runs with a card in his mouth (no idea what for at this point of the episode). Like a Kloss t-shirt. Today's episode will be different. He wants to tell a story he never told before. Trump vs Clinton presidential election. Not pretty. He wants to omit politics as much as possible. He wants to keep it so. Back to October 2008. Irontin Ohio. He helped his friend Graham with Obama's election. He answered the phone, made door to door. Obama was elected, he grabbed his bike, went to Union square, lots of people in the streets, happy, car horns... Time square November 4 2008. He went with Graham in Washington DC for the presidential inauguration. They were there at 4:am. The police holds them, and finaly open the gates. They run to be on the first line, to have the perfect spot. He is with John Singleton, director of Boys in the Hood. Lots of people, crowd. They were so tired but went to the Jay-z party. Graham with a presidential seal. The security was ok with that. Graham did not win but had a good fight.