Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 114 from season 2.

2016-07-16 - SHE TRIED TO BE SEXY : /

Season 2 - Episode 114 - 07-16-2016
Candice orders an ice cream. In the hotel room, ready to leave. Candice forgot her iPhone charger... in fact it is Casey's one :) They leave the hotel. Back home. They take an Uber to go to the train station to Connecticut. Candice's mum will go there tomorrow. Casey goes out of the train in and emergency ride to take food for Francine and them. Francine is crying. Stop to Casey's dad (the old man). In the house garden: Francine plays on the slide. Family time. Candice in a bikini. Casey try to start the Vespa. But he needs his jump cables. He can't find them. He will buy some cables and hope it can work. 102°F. The jeep is not a very practical car but it's great during winter when it snows in NYC and on the hot summer days with no doors and no roof. In the shop he buys a battery charger. He tries to start the scooter right after plugging the charger, it doesn't work he has to wait 3.5 hours for the full charge. So 1h10 after he tries again. Different sound but no start. He does not want give up on the Vespa but the girls want to go to the beach (Candice wearing her white bikini in the background) so he takes a break. Francine is excited. She plays with friends on the beach. He swims to the raft with Owen. It was a game to do it early in the season when he was younger but now it's just something he has to do. He asks Candice to make a sexy pose under the beach shower for his youtube thumbnail. He gives her directions, she is smiling. New try on the Vespa. It starts on the first try. Just a small ride because it's late but tommorrow will be scooter day. Jeep trip to a restaurant. Candice plays Pokemon to the back of the car. Dinner. Advertisement on a pole : 25% discount on battery packs if you are a Pokemon Go player! Snozzberry ice cream for Candice. Beef fat fries for Owen. Small black dog. Race of small cars. Antic toys shop. Stop to BEst Buy. Casey eats candy.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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