Casey Neistat Episode list

In what or which episode Casey Neistat does xyz ? A detailed content of every episode of his youtube vlog

Episode number 1 from season 2.

2016-03-24 - 1 trick to 2.5 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS

Season 2 - Episode 1 - 03-24-2016
Casey's footage from the first vlog when he announces that he will vlog daily. And yes he did it for a year. Machine gun views of the 363 previous episodes. Drone view on the roof of his building. Season 2 starts today. Episode 1. Movers in front of his building. Today is a huge day for 3 reasons: He used sheets of papers with 1-2-3 numbers written on them, burning. Reason 1: 35th birthday. 2 (with a fireproof glove): he is moving today. 3 (wearing a gas mask): One year of vlogging. Backwards: He has been on YouTube for 5 years. He had a lot of viral hits movies. Some of them has 15 or 16 million views, but the subscribers growth was anemic, flat. 5 years, 500 000 subscribers. Then he started to upload daily. In 5 months he had 500,000 more subscribers. Total: 1 million. 5 years for the firsts 500,000 / 5 months for the next 500,000! He kept uploading, and 2 months later he had another half a million subscribers. Now, one year after starting daily vlogging he has 2.5 million subscribers. YouTube isn't Hollywood. He started daily vlogging to stop having an excuse for not making movies. In the street, selfies with 2 guys on bikes. Today he is 35. He can no longue apply for being a US Marine, bu can run for president. Yes he still make a standing backflip, yes he can cross the street walking on his hands, yes he can run a marathon before his morning coffee but he is old and feels old. His first job in NYC was a bike messenger, then working for a Guy (Tom Sachs) who was like a big deal. And the first time he went out in NYC was for his 35th birthday. Attractive women, dudes wearing suits, he felt out of place. But he remembered that he thought that at his age he wanted to be as big of a deal as he is now. He gave up. It is not a good idea to compare yourself to someone else, but the feeling remains. Getting a new apartment in NYC is a huge deal. Before moving in NYC he was living 2 hours away from the city, when he went in NYC, the idea was just to have a place to be IN NYC. Not even an apartment. He shows a tiny hallway to compares its size. A 3 months sublet. The studio has the space for one queen size bed, toilet and shower. But it was converted in a 2 bedroom. His room was so small that he couldn't lay his futon flat. After 3 months, September 1 2001 he moved on a friend's couch in a building one and half block away from the World trade center. Footage of September 11th 2001. To be able to come back in his apartment he has to dressed like a construction worker to pass the security to bring back his possessions. Then he had nowhere to go so he moved in his brother Van's apartment, with Van's girlfriend. Then he moved into a SRO apartment uptown. Single Room Occupancy. 12x12 foot room. Shared bathroom. It was all he could afford but it was his place. He could have stayed as long as he wanted. But with Owen it was a little complicated. The first year when you arrive in NYC you don't live in NYC, you just survive. Then he moved in many other apartments, a little bit bigger each time. He moved every 2 years for the last 15 years. Quick peak of his old apartment during lunch break. The apartment where they live it's Candice's apartment. She picked it up, designed it. The new one is his. His name on the lease, he is finally providing his family security. Moving crisis: the movers should have left the old apartment at noon. The new one should have been ready at 6pm. It is 6:30pm and they just left the old place. Not sure they will be able to do anything before tomorrow and they have everything, from mattress to underwear. Owen is there, the mattress is in the hallway of the building, wrapped in plastic. Casey and Owen goes to the movies. 10 cloverfield lane. So good. It's late. 3am they go in the new apartment. a mattress on the floor. A small extract from his first vlog

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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