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Casey Neistat Special Guest: season 1 episode 91 youtube vlog

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Episode number 91 from season 1.

2015-06-23 - Special Guest

Season 1 - Episode 91 - 06-23-2015
Francine not very happy in a chinese restaurant. 7:40am early at the office. Technical problem, he goes early to fix it. In the studio. He makes a balloon with a latex glove, Q&A written on it. He bursts it with a knife. Sarah joins him. Head of business operation. Q&A with her. What is his favorite quote. Where does he see himself in 10 years. Will he go to Vidcon. What is the difference between a youtube film maker and a "real" film maker. What would he do if the company is not as successful as he wants it to be. How has his style evolved. Does he regret any of his tattoos. Is he bored sometimes. How will he market his new company. When will he tell what the new company is. Will the company be something people use on a daily basis. Does he pay attention to time when editing his videos. Studious people in the office. Fast run in the hallway to see hail, but it's mostly heavy rain.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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