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Casey Neistat Trapped in a Movie Theatre: season 1 episode 89 youtube vlog

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Episode number 89 from season 1.

2015-06-21 - Trapped in a Movie Theatre

Season 1 - Episode 89 - 06-21-2015
Father's day. He can run as long as he wants because it is his day. 13.5 miles. In the studio, lots of pictures of Owen. He talks about fatherhood. We see a lot Francine. Owen is seldom in the vlog because he his 17 and he has a lot of his own agenda. Owen is his hero. Before he has him he was in trouble, he was a bad kid. He was 16 when his girlfriend was pregnant. It was his chance to change. When your motivation goes ahead of just you that's when good things happens. He explains his life during the first years of Owen's life. Francine will grow up in a privilege and safety situation. With Owen it was totaly different. No money, no security... most of the time it was Owen who supported Casey. Back to today's life, he goes with Owen to the movies. The movie was sold out so they bought a ticket for another movie and tries to sneak in the other theater. They try an alternative way to got out of the theater. They are lost an trapped but finaly find an exit. Food outside.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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