A car with only 3 wheels. Francine in her bed, then Casey is spoon feeding her. Baby is asleep, Candice's mom is there watching Francine. He crosses town to grab the car. Very expensive car park, you also have to tip the people so they bring the car ready for you. Graham, the friend he climbed the mountains with, is getting married this summer. His bachelor party is this weekend. Civilized party, no strippers. Graham is a risk taker. He ran for congress at 29 years old. He didn't win but put up a fight against congress saying it's broken, ran by old politicians... Graham is the guy he traveled the world with for the Nike video. Stop at the gas station. He has a present for Graham, a good bottle of whisky. Nice Mustang car. countryside, very rural. He didn't say that he was comming. They are not expecting him. Graham's dad. He arrives by surprise, asking where the hookers are. Good time with his friends. Great view on a lake. His friend goes swimming in the lake. At night Casey has to go, he makes a joke saying happy birthday instead of happy bachelor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzYlerowmGc