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Casey Neistat The Day I Almost Died: season 1 episode 62 youtube vlog

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Episode number 62 from season 1.

2015-05-25 - The Day I Almost Died

Season 1 - Episode 62 - 05-25-2015
"castafiore" opera singer in the street. Today he wants to tell a story. In life there is risk and recklessness. Risk is ok, it is meant to be pursued. recklessness is dangerous and stupid and should be avoided. But the two are very far. He wants to tell the story of the maybe only time in his life he felt like he lost control. He had made crazy things, scaring things, taken many risks, but this story is the only one when he examines it he realize how stupid it was. He made it out but at what cost. In 2007 he went with Graham and other friends to climb mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Fun, exciting, easy, they climbed in sneakers. But it wasn't enough, with Graham they wanted something more ambitious : the Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in southern hemisphere. Zero preparation, flight to Santiago, Chile. 2,841 feet tall. Not very technical but it's a dangerous mountain. Five climbers died a few days after this story. They were excited. After 3 days of hike, they see the mountain for the first time. He was a little bit scared. They wanted to climb themselves without people helping to carry their gear, and no guide... and no GPS. At first it was amazing but the mistake is that they are both narrow focus ondividuals and nothing can stop them if they have something in mind. 2 people like that on a dangerous mountain, that's an horrible combination. They have big headaches and pain because of the altitude. their mantra : summit or bust. At 21,000 feet they are lost. At this elevation no helicopter can rescue them in case of emergency. Everything is frozen. On christmas day 2008 it was summit day. Beautiful point of view. They must arrive at the summit before 2pm to have enough time to go down before the night. It's the turning time : if you haven't summited at this time, no matter what you turn around. They are almost there... but 2 hours after turnaround time they still haven't made it. They are exhausted but so close. The weather start to be bad. Casey is so tired that he just want to go to sleep, lay down on the mountain and go to sleep. Had he done that, what would have happened... a nap at 21,000 feet with no water, no food, no oxygen, no energy. This is the hardest thing he had ever done. He crossed the line. They arrived at the summit... but the first idea he had at this moment (and says it on the footage) : "for the first time ever right now, I honestly don't know what the fuck I was thinking". They had no problem to go down even if Graham had a bad fall. "I did summited, but at what cost, my god". When they explain they wanted to do this summit, people around them had serious doubts about them beiing able to to it. That's part of the reason why they wanted to do it so bad, to prove something... and that is what is reckless. The funny fact : at 4:06pm on Christmas day 2008, Graham and him where standind staller than any other human beings on planet earth (nobody was in the Himalaya's at this time because it's winter). That's a pretty amazing thing.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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