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Casey Neistat Marriage Confession: season 1 episode 37 youtube vlog

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Episode number 37 from season 1.

2015-04-30 - Marriage Confession

Season 1 - Episode 37 - 04-30-2015
Candice is watching his vlog fisrt thing in the morning in her bed. Life is better when you have someone to share it with. A shared life is a great life. Closet almost organised... we can noticed it because he has different clothes today. Work Breakfast in an organic cafe. Josh Safdie film maker in his office. He has already made a movie with him : Daddy Longlegs. They won an award for this film. Josh shows a trailer of his next movie. Today's vlog is dedicated to Candice. She was a waitress when she arrived in New York City. Her dream was to create a jewelry company. With her friend they did it, in their apartment. It grew. Candice and her partners went different way. Candice wanted to shut down the company. She didn't, she stuck with it, made the company even more successful. That's when Casey discovered that she is the girl he wants to live the rest of his life. That's when he proposed her marriage. She was not a quitter. She was a fighter. She's also cute and shy and nervous about beeing in the vlog. He rides his bike to see her at her office. She was not aware of it. Fancy showroom, press stuff. She feels silly on camera. They do a Q&A on the couch of her office. If Francine was a boy what would his name be. How does she designs such beautiful jewelry. What does she find the most interresting in Casey's work. What pisses her off the most about being married to Casey. Is she jealous of the females around Casey. Who is she most proud of wearing her jewelry. How to tolerate someone's vlogging. Which one of Casey's tatoo is her favorite. Why does'nt she like beeing on Casey's vlog. What is her ideal place to travel with Casey. Will she start her own Youtube channel. Does she give Casey advices about his vlog or his company. What is married life with Casey like. Has she ever doubted about Casey. She does like tequila.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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