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Casey Neistat Romantic Night: season 1 episode 360 youtube vlog

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Episode number 360 from season 1.

2016-03-19 - Romantic Night

Season 1 - Episode 360 - 03-19-2016
Cape Town, South Africa. Candice and Casey walking on the rocks on the seashore. In the backyard of the house, Casey takes a deckchair, put it in the shade and explains that it is his last day in Cape Town, his birthday is in a few days and he will be alone, far from his family. Today will be a sad day. But he is looking forward to come back in NYC. Car ride with Candice, stop of a pharmacy. Francine is at home. Stop for coffee. Family trip with Francine. Google maps GPS in the car. Toll. Stop by an officer to check their ticket... and their shoes. He is joking. Narrow road. People at the back of trucs. Beach. Penguins. Protected area. Cute beach, quiet. Francine walking next to the water. They leave because Francine pooped in her bathing suit. They want to see the penguins. Boulders park. If there are too many people they will leave, but the waiting line is short. Lots of penguins on the beach. Ice cream. 45 minutes crisis, Casey has lost the car key card between the moment he opened it and when they want to start it. They took a lot of time to search everywhere, they also called Candice's mother to pick them up (1 hour and half trip). Her mother suggested that they moved all the bags in the front of the car (remote key) and tries to press the start button of the car. It worked. Finally the key was in Casey's camera gear bag. Car ride back. Chapman's cliff, drone views. Incredible. Casey has stopped a long time to take some shots. He comes back in the car, Candice has been waiting for a long time. Stop at a mall for shopping for a present for Candice's mom because she always pays for everything. Shot of the both of them. The place is closed. They go to the seashore and climb on a big rock. They stay to make drone videos and enjoy the sunset. Timelapses of the sunset. Date night in a restaurant. Double cocktail for Candice.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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