Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 355 from season 1.

2016-03-14 - IT FINALLY CAME!!!

Season 1 - Episode 355 - 03-14-2016
Francine walking. Yesterday when he arrived home, after a 5 hour cold flight, Candice explained him that he was not sick, it was just 3 days with almost no sleep. He passed ou on the bed, slept for 8 straight hours, and he feels much better. 2 wheels hoverboard in the studio. Today is a hell of a day. Normally he would work his regular day, go home have a soup and a good night of sleep, but no today. Tonight he is going to the airport with Candice and Francine. Not an ordinary flight. He drills a hole in a globe make small flags from toothpicks and colored tape to show where they start from and where they are going. Cape Town South Africa. Opposite side of the earth. He did the trip 15 times, but only one time with Francine. No idea how it will be with her. The first time he flew to South Africa with Candice, she gave him a very strong sleeping pill, but if you don't fall asleep after a certain time, you feel drunk. Of course he did not fell asleep. He was crying, freaking out. Total meltdown. He packs in the studio. Lots of packages, no idea of what is inside except one of them. He opens the box of a dji phantom 4. Does he take it to South Africa. He is excited. No time to test it right now. He must meet Candice at the bank, then buy a suitcase, then pack the suitcase home, then go to the airport. They go to china town to buy a $65 suitcase after a stop in a too expensive store. Candice does not understand Louis Vuitton luggage, Casey says it's like a steal me sign. Airport. stroller, suitcases. Francine is there. "Random search" at security every single time. 11:15pm. Lounge before the flight boards.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
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