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Casey Neistat NOW I HAVE FOUR!!!: season 1 episode 352 youtube vlog

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Episode number 352 from season 1.

2016-03-11 - NOW I HAVE FOUR!!!

Season 1 - Episode 352 - 03-11-2016
Austin, Texas. 2 Austrian guys doing hitch hiking. Hotel room. Room service. Casey orders coffee. Shower. Film technology festival. Samsung asked him to talk for a panel. He will speak tomorrow. But while being in Texas for 2 days, why not doing another movie. The Oscars movie went well, so Samsung is offering help for another movie. Casey does not need much things, a couple of people to help him, maybe some drones to attach the VR camera, or an helicopter, a sweet hotel room, room service coffee and that's all. Wait line in front of a Samsung impromptu store. Snacks inside. Fancy Ford GT car. But the Samsung car is a bicycle car. A guy is filming in VR with a 6 gopro rig. Casey explains that the small Samsung camera does the same in a very small form factor. In the street he meets a girl on a boosted board while his boosted board dies. He needs a horse. Back to the hotel room to plug it to check if he can work again. He just plugs it and it works. But he does not want to go out and have the same problem again. He calls a store to check if they have a new boosted board, they have only one, the dual+ in stock, the one Casey wants. He is lifted by a guy with a bike. Boardlife store. Fully charged. He puts a Boosted logo on the board. Fans outside of the store. Trip back on the boosted board. Video call with Candice. They have permission to fly a drone tomorrow. Fancy dinner tonight. He escapes in the bathroom to explains that there will be a party after, he is tempted to go there. At dinner there were balls in the plates, no idea what it was but nobody ate them. He ate 2. He learn in the car ride back that it was pig blood. That's protein. Samsung party. He will not stay very long. there. South by southwest festival. Strokes music group. Back at the hotel, ready to edit today's video, hard to sleep when he is traveling.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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