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Casey Neistat I DID IT!!!: season 1 episode 350 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 350 from season 1.

2016-03-09 - I DID IT!!!

Season 1 - Episode 350 - 03-09-2016
Casey on his boosted board, a cop car just behind him. In march, every march, you always have a few days that give you a taste of what the summer will be. 75 degrees outside. He will try to spend as much time as possible outside. A girl asks him what he is doing, recording a video in the street. He explains he will put it on Youtube. The lady dances and sing. He crashed the BB in a cop car. He is going to meet Candice, she will have a dinner with her employee, last night was that night, and the party went probably a little too well...Candice can't even talk. They walk together. They come home so she can change clothes so they can go to lunch. Sunny warm day. Good lunch. A car with just married tag on it but primary colors balloons, they should be white according to Candice. She takes a car back to work, Casey takes his boosted board. New try of the spinning airplane gopro thing. It works better than yesterday. Slow motion in the streets of NYC. Casey is happy. Marlan the UPS guy is blocking the alley. Back in the studio he explains that he didn't succeed in doing the camera thing but he succeed in making the video. He met a guy who has made his own creation, he showed him how to use it and gave it to Casey and it worked. Mission accomplish. You only fail when you give up, not when you don't succeed. At night, Casey turns off the lights and leave the studio. He told Owen they were going to the movies tonight, but because of that weather he is slightly more tired than he expected, they eat outside. As usual lots of food for Owen. Casey explains to Owen that the doctor said they were not giving the right food for Francine, he explained that he gave the same thing to Owen and it is ok. Centriphone concept by Nicolas Vuignier footage. A fan having trouble breathing because she meets Casey. Angry epilogue: nearly half of the footage couldn't be used because an audio problem. Brand new microphone and battery.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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