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Casey Neistat HUGE FACEBOOK: season 1 episode 347 youtube vlog

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Episode number 347 from season 1.

2016-03-06 - HUGE FACEBOOK

Season 1 - Episode 347 - 03-06-2016
Dinosaur skeleton at the Natural History Museum with Francine. Sunday morning. Family adventure today. They must take Francine out. Coffee in the street. Subway ride to Upper West side to the Natural History Museum. Casey says Candice looks nice today while touching her face. Planetarium. The price of the musuem admisson is a suggestion. They ask $22 for an adult but you can give whatever you want. Scenes from the museum. The last feature film he shot, there is a scene shot in the museum. The Mesum would'nt give them the persission to shoot so they brought the use camera, broken in pieces. The actors and the crew bought tickets, they met at the place they where supposed to shoot. Shoot the scene, 3 times, got the shot, packed and left. The scene is in the movie. Francine crawling on the floor. Overwhelming success. Back in the studio. Today he removes the Facebook painting, he will keep it, he wants to explain the history of this painting before relocate it. He did it 4 years ago for a story about images we look at every day but are never tangible. Virtual. He painted it, virtual to physical. He tries a dolly on a longboard, it is hard. He wished he had people to help him. He moves the couch from the back office to the left of the entrance. He struggles, it is heavy to carry alone. Not sure if he will keep it and where, but he wants a lounge place around there. Fen Shui situation, couch right next to the main door. Mixed emotions, not sure but the couch sits perfectly there. He wants a shelf to act like a full bar. Mirror and shelf above the couch. He also wanted to install the speakers and the wiring, but last night he was sick and he is tired, so he wants to end the vlog here and go home. While leaving the iPhone still rings. It is like 8 days since it started ringing. The landlord does not have the keys to his office. No other way to break the door or to wait Oscar come back.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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