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Casey Neistat I BUILT IT!!!: season 1 episode 346 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 346 from season 1.

2016-03-05 - I BUILT IT!!!

Season 1 - Episode 346 - 03-05-2016
Oscar's iPhone is still ringing. Morning in the Neistat household. Casey opens the blinds with Francine in the arms. Breakfast outside with Candice and Francine. The place has toys for the baby. They make shifts to eat and then play with the baby. Back home, Casey sneaks out then to the office. He would like to have a babysitter tonight so Candice and him could have a date, but he doesn't think it is going to happen. Camera in a phone booth. In the studio he shows the new construction, the red wall, the new desks. The deconstruction continues in the old office. Destroyed. It will be the apex of his new organization. That's where most of the things will change. So it is the most destroyed place. He takes an opaque projector but it doesn't work. So he goes in the Beme office and steal the video projector. He projects the youlube logo on the wall and paint it white on the red wall. He paints the bottom black. He compares the renovation work to cutting a tree with an axe: chip chip chip, and eventually it will fall. But it starts to look good, he is on a good way to succeed. In the street the light is beautiful, he wants to show it but it is better from the roof. He goes on the roof of his apartment building. Amazing timelapse. It is cold now. He must go home, he told Candice he has to go to work for a minute... but it was 4.5 hours ago. Not sure she will be happy. Super fast date night, they only have the babysitter for one hour. Dinner in a restaurant. Double date. Dinner was ok. Ice cream now. Candice orders a gigantic ice cream. Casey is not sure of what he ordered. They watch a guy trying to sell NYC T-shirts, the store is empty. Cab ride home. They both enjoyed it. Francine trying to stand in his chair in a restaurant.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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