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Casey Neistat i'm a male model: season 1 episode 342 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 342 from season 1.

2016-03-01 - i'm a male model

Season 1 - Episode 342 - 03-01-2016
In the plane, landing in New York airport. 5:37am He had 4 hours of sleep, probably the most he had in a week. Suitcases. Car ride back to Manhattan. Today is March 1st, in 24 days it will be his birthday and the one year anniversary of this vlog. Photo shoot in his studio. 2 Photos, a portrait and a head to toe shot next. As he has his tuxedo with him he puts it on and the next photo is him doing a ollie on a skateboard. It went great. Loud noise coming from a boosted board remote. Q&A. He opens a package, a book from his friend Gary Vee #askgaryvee. Casey is on the back cover. Today's Q&A is all about the Oscars. He explains that he was at the Oscars because of Samsung. The brand was a major sponsor. Normally the brand does something during the broadcast. Remember the selfie from Ellen? This year they wanted Casey to arrive on a skateboard on the aisle, holding the 360 camera and jumping on stage. This was going to happen, they practiced. Even Samsung head boss called the producers of the Oscars so it happens. They were planning details. But 2 hours before they cut the scene. Back to the Q&A. Where did Casey go that we don't know. How did the celebrities see him. Did he talked with Leo. What surprised him the most. When will be nominated. How was an orgy. What is the most inspiring part. What about the new Samsung phone. What film won best picture. Some progress of the studio renovation. At night in his closet he explains that he forgot to record a proper end. Instructions during the photo shoot "this is the perfect double page".

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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