Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 316 from season 1.


Season 1 - Episode 316 - 02-04-2016
San Francisco, he removes the packaging of something to make it fit into his suitcase. Hotel room, on top of the bed. He explains that he leaves in 4 hours but before has a breakfast meeting and other uninteresting things. He packs and leaves the hotel room. Lots of different angles of him leaving the room, in the hallway. He asks to himself "hey Casey why do you set up these elaborate shots for your vlog?" He doesn't know, it is fun, it is like making a movie. Uber ride to the meeting. Huge red truck in the street. Quick meeting at Twitter HQ. Hard to get into the building. NDA so he wasn't able to record anything inside. He leaves the building with a gift box from Niche. Uber ride to the hotel to grab his bags. The gift box is big so he just takes what is inside and trash the box. Uber ride to the airport. The security holds his bag, probably because of a multi tool. Polite TSA agent. No problem. Most expensive and good airport food. $40.40 for his lunch and 2 drinks. Lounge. He is exhausted, he will probably sleep. First on the plane, the attendant calls him by its first name. The flight attendant recognize him. He is able to board before everyone why they still clean the plane. He is alone for more than 10 minutes. Landing, shorts, time to sleep, he will wake up in NYC. Pennyboarding in the airport. In fact he didn't sleep for a second, there was a good movie selection. Why he is always having a skateboard with him, it is to go through JFK airport. Probably a mile of walking to go from the plane to a car. It is so much more efficient with the skateboard. Warmer in NYC than in SF, it is scary. Uber ride downtown, probably his tenth Uber ride of the day. 7,000 miles in 36 hours. In the hotel, trip to take his camera back after a shot.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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