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Casey Neistat WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SNAPCHAT??: season 1 episode 314 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 314 from season 1.


Season 1 - Episode 314 - 02-02-2016
At the airport, at the American Airline check in, the attendant explains that a guy went there and said that's here that Casey always check-in. In the street on his bicycle. Bacon egg and cheese sandwich at Café Lafayette. So easy to get when you live in New York City. At the studio he eats his bagel. Not very good, they overcooked the egg. 12:46pm, it was a short day at the office, he heads home to pack and leave the apartment. He meets Jack who give him a tripod. Uber ride to JFK. Casey talks about the ugly Apple battery case. He lost it, no idea how, but he bought a second one. He will try not to loose it, it is $100. He doesn't understand why Apple is making their phones thinner and thinner but the battery weaker and weaker. Why don't they put greater priority on longer battery life. He shows how ugly it is. It is tuesday, Q&A in the lounge at the airport. He takes questions from his Snapchat feed. It is almost crashing the app. How much social media plays to making a video becoming viral. Where does he think social media will be in ten years. Why does he think social media has become such a big part of everyone's life. At what point does he think we spend too much time on social media. What is his favorite social media app. Who is his biggest inspiration on YouTube and why. If he could only have one social media app what would it be. Time to leave to board. His career without social media would be... impossible. He loves social media. He explains that while boarding, flying and leaving the plane. In his hotel room, a bag of new YouTube swag.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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