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Casey Neistat that time in Afghanistan: season 1 episode 310 youtube vlog

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Episode number 310 from season 1.

2016-01-29 - that time in Afghanistan

Season 1 - Episode 310 - 01-29-2016
Lots of pizzas in the Beme office. Home, in his walking closet, Casey puts running socks on while Francine plays on the ground. Today he is running with Jimmy Conrad, a former professional soccer player. Francine wants to keep playing with flip flops, Casey has to take her out of the closet. Jimmy is warming up. They run a little bit while talking. Casey asks him why he wants to start a YouTube channel. Casey will be his running buddy. Jimmy likes that. He played in the world cup. Friday, his least favorite day. In the studio. Story time. Bulletproof vest. Above, a photo, him, and next to him, Roger. Roger is here in the studio. He explains that it was the guy he was with in Afghanistan in 2010. A US soldier who protected him while he was there. Footage of that time where Roger explains that he carries an AR15 because it is light and fast to operate but they also have heavy machinery guns. Roger is an Air Force pararescue jumper. Roger talks of how he reacted when he learned that there were people coming there to tattoo soldiers. It was weird, but OK. Casey gives details of why he was there. He was with Scott Campbell a tattoo artist and they wanted to set up a tattoo parlor in the war zone in Afghanistan. Roger and his buddies were OK to let them do it. It was cathartic. It allowed psychological relief, emotions... One of Casey's favorite story. They were testing the hoist cable of the helicopter. Normally they use dummies to do it, but this day Scott and Casey played the mannequins. They came there to tattoo, but after they have left Afghanistan, the tattoo thing continues without them, Roger is now tattooing. Casey tells another story, when they were there, the soldiers have playing cards with naked men on them and they used them to prank Casey. When he left Afghanistan, they have to travel before going back to the the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the security checked their bags and found gay porn playing cards with bulletproof vests, and Casey was picturing the soldiers team laughing for the prank. Roger is someone amazing. He had just a week with Roger but it was so impactful. Pizza delivery guy in front of the Beme office. Lots of pizza. Francine and Candice come to help to eat the pizza. Francine crawls on the floor of the office.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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