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Casey Neistat I'M GONNA DO IT: season 1 episode 304 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 304 from season 1.

2016-01-22 - I'M GONNA DO IT

Season 1 - Episode 304 - 01-22-2016
Casey is filling the gas tank of his Jeep in the cold. In the plane, in the bathroom of the plane. He arrives 1.5 hours later than planned. Train to Connecticut. He hates Penn station. On the departure screen, is train is said on time but no track information. On the other screen, arrivals, the same train has its track displayed. Secret staircase, then he is the first person in the train. He goes there to make the house ready for the storm then comes back to NYC. New London, his dad gives him a ride to his house. He takes the truck Jeep back to NYC. With the coming storm it is good to have the jeep around. Stop to make the oil changed. He really wishes the snow comes. In NYC, stop in a sports shop to buy some equipment he has missing (gloves...) Back at the apartment, he puts Francine to bed. Back at the studio at night he explains that if the storm comes he want to be ready to make an amazing New York City blizzard movie. If there is 10 inches of snow in the morning it won't be the good time to prep anything, so he wants to be ready. He climbs on a ladder to put down a sports bag (probably with snowboards in it), a snow shovel. He also has a 3 axis gimbal ready, 3 drones, many tripods. He will put chains on his truck and then has a meeting with his PIC : Partner In Crime. Salt spreaders in the street. He put the chains on his truck tires. Jesse is there with mini skis. More work in the studio, he screws something on the dji drone. They are ready. at the airport: Cinnabon closed.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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