Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 299 from season 1.


Season 1 - Episode 299 - 01-17-2016
Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Casey doing pushups in the zero gravity airplaine... but when there is still gravity. 6am morning run. Beautiful weather and views. A storm might come, but they need good weather for the day. Heavy rain pouring outside. Zero gravity plane planned today, no idea what to expect. Puke is a concern, Starbucks coffee and cake. Lounge before they take off. Special suit. He can take his camera. Bus ride to the plane. Group photo then they go inside. The plane is padded. Looks like a spaceship. They seat while the plane is taking off. They remove their shoes and wear high socks. Lots of waiting time when suddenly everybody is is in the air. Everybody is laughing. So much fun. Floating sunglasses. At the end he feels terrible, that's why they call it the vomit comet. No puke, but they were sick. Explanation, he draws a 2 axis map with sick and fun minimum and maximum. The fun starts really high with no sickness, but the sickness escalated pretty quickly. About half of the trip the sickness level reaches his maximum and it was not fun anymore especially when the other people around him where laughing and having fun. The reason why he was sick is because he bring a camera, the lady told him not to. Staring at the viewfinder why floating is not a good idea. But how can he go somewhere without a camera, it's like telling a fish don't swim. But it was a great experience, magic. Like being in outer space.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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