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Casey Neistat IT WAS UNLOCKED!: season 1 episode 296 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 296 from season 1.

2016-01-14 - IT WAS UNLOCKED!

Season 1 - Episode 296 - 01-14-2016
Casey opens a cop car in the alley next his office building, it is unlocked, he goes inside and closes the door. Very cold morning run. 7am. 24°F It is supposed to be snowing in a few minutes. He will meet Ben for a long run. They were gloves, Ben has even a down jacket. View of Manhattan from Brooklyn. Marathon course, Green point, their turnaround point. 14 miles 7'32 pace. That is 22.5 km at 4'39 per km. Ben is a serious runner. Back home Candice does not like Casey's outfit. Candice reorganized their closet last night. His favorite pair of jeans have surfaced, she probably hid them from him for a while. The party pants are back. Acid washed jeans. At Beme office, Marlan the UPS guy says to Jack to clean his desk, all the other desks are clean except his. Marlan is like their dad. Hoverboard down the bottom the office. Lots of NYPD cars, Casey goes into one, his friend holds the camera, then he takes the camera inside of the car. He looks around to be sure no cops are around... then he shows a sign that explains that it is a picture car, used for a movie. They are all opened. His friend is Rel (?) Nev brother's. Rel directed Paranormal activity 3 movie, catfish the movie, and this summer Nerve movie. Casey will be in this movie. A guy photobombs a shot. That's NYC, you have to embrace it. Back in his studio Casey opens a big box from Manfrotto. Lots of tripods. A carbon fiber one. A big fluid head. More Manfrotto stuff. He doesn't care about hardware gear, but he is so excited with what he can do with it. Back at Beme HQ. Late night at the office. Jack, pizza, video games. Candices and Francine goes in the office to say hello. Candice is looking for Oreo's. Francine crawls on the floor. They also put cartoons on the big screen instead of video games. Time to go home with the family. Casey speaks directly to the camera to asks Manfrotto to make a Gorillapod, because the gorillapod is good but not great and has a lot of things that can be improved.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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