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Casey Neistat Apple Fan Boy: season 1 episode 288 youtube vlog

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Episode number 288 from season 1.

2016-01-06 - Apple Fan Boy

Season 1 - Episode 288 - 01-06-2016
A quick view under New York City pavement through an opened metal plate. A whole world. Wednesday and he hasn't been able to be in the streets more than 10 minutes since the beginning of the week, today he will leave the office earlier. Casey does push-ups inside the Beme office. They note the number of push-ups they've done on a whiteboard. Work at the office. then boosted board ride outside. Ice. Avoiding ice with a boosted board. He goes to the Apple store because after 6 months his battery dies before the end of the morning. Not sure if he will be able to film in the Apple store. Since the gold spray paint video, they are a little bit reluctant. He buys an Apple battery case. The uggliest Apple product he has ever seen. Back at the studio, the camera falls on the ground. Quick comprehensive review of the Apple battery pack case. You can't plug your regular earphones with this case. He has to take it back. He wants to continue to talk about Apple. It will be today's theme. He climbs on the very high shelves to take his first iMac, the first ever computer he ever edited video on ever. iMac DV 2000. It comes with iMovie. He maxed out his credit card to buy the iMac and a DV camcorder. the iMac has a 10GB hard drive in it. Today in his G7X he has a 128GB SD card. The iMac hard drive could handle 12 minutes of video at the time, so he had to import 12 minutes of footage, edit it, and export it on tape, then delete everything, start over and try to append the next edit right after the previous on on the tape. He is an Apple fanboy, except this horrible phone case. In 2003 he has made a video about ipod batteries. It was his first major break... thanks to Apple. He is grateful and indebted to Apple. Stop at Oscar's office. There is a friend there, a girl, his production manager. Oscar wrecked his motorcycle in Nicaragua. At night, he thinks he will keep the battery phone case. In the Apple store he asks why is it so ugly?

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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