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Casey Neistat Losers and Closers: season 1 episode 286 youtube vlog

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Episode number 286 from season 1.

2016-01-04 - Losers and Closers

Season 1 - Episode 286 - 01-04-2016
Today's vlog is dedicated to an idea. Very cold dark run. Act/Live as if it were impossible to fail written on a chinese fortune cookie. At the studio he explains that this morning run was at 6am... now it is 9... pm. Tomorrow he even has to get up earlier. He didn't shoot a video today, and that's fine. He could have done not vlog today, vacation are ok, but as he started something this morning, it would have been as he didn't finished, and that's not ok. Someone that's starts something and doesn't finish is a loser. Someone that stars something and always finishes it is a closer. One of Casey's favorite movies is called Glenngarry glen ross. Always Be Closing. He even has those words tattooed on his arm. Perfection is the enemy of good. Finishing something, even not perfect, is to learn from it. Then you can move on and get closer to perfection. It helps to be more creative and productive. He takes 2 sheets of colored paper, fold them in two, draws half a circle on them, helped with a round jar of paint, cut the papers along the lines and opens them: 2 perfect colored discs, on a black background. He uses them to explain the Pareto principle. The 80% of the work on his movies is the editing, People tends to focus on the 20 other percents, gear, filming... that's not. The hard part is finishing, closing. He has to go home to finish today's movie. He carries stuff from mailtime for Francine home. 2 puppets: Jesse and Casey.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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