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Casey Neistat I'M LEAVING: season 1 episode 281 youtube vlog

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Episode number 281 from season 1.

2015-12-30 - I'M LEAVING

Season 1 - Episode 281 - 12-30-2015
Los Angeles. Casey is behind a woman who is roller skating with oven mitts as gloves! It is chilly but not oven mitts chilly. On the terrace of the house, Casey explains that they leave this afternoon. He never misses New York City this much. He misses the chaos and energy.Lunch, birds around. After the lunch, 45 minutes to pack and be back in the car. He thinks that Francine will not be super cooperative. The weather in NY won't be as good as here. While packing the plastic clip of his boosted board bag breaks. It has only one job and it failed. has made a low quality product, they shouldn't. He misses his studio. He packs the Nutella jar, Gigi in her bag. Candice won't miss the house but miss everybody. At the airport, luggage cart. Emotional goodbye. Candice's mother won't see Francine for a long time. 5 bags. Francine is happy in her stroller. Problems with the poodle. Security check is stressful, but with a baby it's even more difficult. Plane means Baby jail. Airport security took away Francine's milk, then there was nowhere to buy milk in the terminal, Candice found a solution. Boarding time. No problem. They may be the firsts in the plane. 6 hours overnight flight, they are worried that Francine keeps the entire plane awake by screaming. In the air Francine is still not asleep. Gigantic cat in the plane. Francine crawls everywhere in the plane, 4 hours after taking off she is still not asleep. She fell asleep 30 minutes before landing. They arrive at 12:50am. Francine is still asleep in Candice's arms. 1:41am in the Uber, ride home. The vlog ends there, Casey explains in the end titles that the time they arrive and put the luggage in the house it was 3am, Then he just started to import 70GB of footage, so today's vlog will be post late. Update on the Nutella jug. Theay ate around half the jar.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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