Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 279 from season 1.

2015-12-28 - NAILED IT!

Season 1 - Episode 279 - 12-28-2015
Los Angeles. Casey in the car says "I am such a jerk". 7am Owen and Casey in the car on a father-son mission. Owen is pumped.Ryan calls. 27 degrees outside they don't have enough clothes. They are here for a walk or run in the mountains. Sunrises. Ryan has gloves. Casey runs half a mile back to get his camera he left doing a timelapse. Owen is playing a video game on his phone, bored by the view. They adults are talking about books. Great view above LA. They are mad at Casey because he took 20 minutes to shoot timelapses. The rain comes while they are the farthest of the car. At the end the weather improves and the sun comes back. They have to feed Owen, he is starving. Lunch with the whole family. Then drive to the theater, they drop Candice on the way. Casey and Owen are going to see a Di Caprio movie but they are late. With the advertisement and previews they should be on time before the movie starts. Quick parking. They manage to arrive right at the start of the movie. Owen liked it, Casey too. Some of the most inventive cinematography. Leo deserves the Oscar. But not a perfect movie. The movie is better than the story. The movie is the Revenant.Casey looks at the definition of the word revenant. At night, Francine, Owen and Casey in a restaurant. The sushi placed was not opened. Owen ordered everything on the menu, he is hungry. He takes care of Francine while they are waiting for the food to be served. Back home. Bath time and bed for Francine. Dry cold weather during the hike.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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