Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 277 from season 1.

2015-12-26 - 6.6 POUNDS OF NUTELLA

Season 1 - Episode 277 - 12-26-2015
Los Angeles. During a ride on the boosted board, Casey finds some guys selling a flat screen TV in the street. $15 because they got a new one yesterday. 9am the city is very quiet. Quick coffee with Candice then he will go to the airport. The car is illegally parked in front of the coffee shop, A police officer shows up. Casey go straight back to the car and explains that he was just parking to take the stroller of his daughter out then he will leave. No ticket. Car ride to the airport to pick up Owen. He spent Christmas with his mom. The camera falls on the floor of the car. He is really looking forward having Owen with him because he is the only guy there for too many days. In front of his car, a police officer on a motorcycle has a AR15 assault rifle. He parks right in front of the terminal and fakes taking in an out the stroller to avoid a ticket. Owen finally arrives. Stop at In-n-out so Owen can have burgers. Also the best place to watch the planes taking off and landing. Back home, no sign of the rest of the family. They go to the movies but he doesn't have a car, and only one helmet. He goes to the motorcycle store to buy a second one. No helmet in the store fits his head. Second store. They arrive at the theater. Owen would probably enjoy motorcycling in front, but just being behind his father, hum... Candy. Lots of junk food. The movie is 3D. Owen is not sure he liked it. Casey finds it even better the second time. Owen fills the gas tank while Casey is filming. Then stop at Neiman-Marcus store to find Candice and her mother. They are shopping, what a surprise. Owen takes the car for the trip back home. Casey prefers to ride without 200 extra pounds on the back, it is much easier. Casey ordered an iPhone for Owen for Christmas but they haven't been able to ship it there in time so he will try to buy a new one now and returns the other when it arrives. Apple store: mission accomplished. No ticket on the motorcycle. Back home, they will have Nutella for dinner. Casey shares something funny with Owen. In California on the highway there are special lanes if you carpool passenger so some car owners put fake dummies on the passenger seat to look like they are carpooling. He shows a Porsche with a dummy on the passenger seat.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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