Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 276 from season 1.

2015-12-25 - The Meaning Of Christmas

Season 1 - Episode 276 - 12-25-2015
Los Angeles. In the street Casey says merry Christmas to a guy. A dog with a Santa outfit. Boosted board on the wooden deck next to the beach. A guy in a car saying I love you I love you merry Christmas. On the beach, Casey explains that he wanted to make something different, a special Christmas edition, more than just what he did today. First ever crowd source vlog. He asked people one question: why is your Christmas special and asked them to make a short video about it. He shares the videos on his vlog. A girl learning to play the accordion. A girl explains that she spends time with good friends. one because he is with his sisters, another because she is with her best friends (dogs). On dressed up his dog. One has a hoverboard, another a camera for his vlogs, One has a box of Cheez it. One because it is the first year he is more on the giving side than the receiving side. One has a job for the first time so he was able to buy gifts for his parents. One because christmas is more about giving than the gifts themselves. Family car trip to get some Thai food for lunch. Lots of people had the same idea. A kind of famous restaurant, no idea why it is famous. The food is not very good. On guy Christmas special was unlimited food. More videos from other about food. chocolate, candy, lasagna. One drove for the first time. One because he has to spend the day with her daughter, her first Christmas.Music. Gifts. Lots of gifts. One is engaged. Many because they were able to spend time with their family. Grandma, brothers, ... Casey explains that more than half of the people said their Christmas was special because of family. A girl wearing a headscarf explains that she doesn't celebrate Christmas but they have a Christmas tree. And so many more clips he wasn't able to put in the vlog. A guy with a selfie stick running in his house screaming it's Christmas, his children are following him

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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