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Casey Neistat A Big Fat THANK YOU!: season 1 episode 275 youtube vlog

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Episode number 275 from season 1.

2015-12-24 - A Big Fat THANK YOU!

Season 1 - Episode 275 - 12-24-2015
Los Angeles. Casey has bought a 7 pound jar of Nutella to give to Owen for Christmas but Candice's mom opened it and give it to Francine. He says Merry Christmas to everyone even if today is Christmas eve but when the video will be released it will be Christmas for the viewers. They are jewish but Casey believes in the gift giving part. Casey says that he talked a lot at the beginning about the reasons why he started vlogging. Now there is another reason: the audience, the viewers, the fans. He understands the Youtubers who says they love their audience. The reason why he is able to do what he does is the people who watch his videos. He really appreciates that we choose to spend our time watching his movies instead of cat videos. Jack Harries has made a YouTube video called "YOU", a poem about the viewers, youtubers. One of Casey's favorite videos. Boosted board ride to meet Candice. Car ride with her to the east. Francine and Candice's mother are sick so just the two of them are having lunch. They drive 20 minutes to go to the place they want and the restaurant is closed. New drive not to In&Out but to Canter's. It is opened. Lunch is good, Casey struggles to make Candice leave the restaurant, she is stuck to her cellphone. They plan to come back here tomorrow on Christmas day. Lots of delicious looking cookies. Stop at a shop, very anonymous. Just One Eye. A guy picks the car to park it, Casey is not even sure the guy works here. Weird fashion store. Different rooms in a gigantic wharehouse. Back in the car Casey explains how is shopping with Candice, she drags you in stores, one door after another where you can't buy anything, you just have to behave. Candice explains that it is inspiring, she is inspired by the quality , the gorgeous craftsmanship. Casey is not convinced. They don't have news from Francine. Candice has no idea how long a baby may stay sick compared to a regular full-size human. At night Casey takes the boosted board to come back to the house. He is not sure if there will be a vlog tomorrow, because of Christmas, family, and it's always boring when you just see it. In front of a park he explains he chose this place to talk because he think it would be a good place to shoot but there are maintenance people with chainsaws in the background, on Christmas Eve.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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