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Casey Neistat She Picked The LAMBORGHINI: season 1 episode 274 youtube vlog

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Episode number 274 from season 1.

2015-12-23 - She Picked The LAMBORGHINI

Season 1 - Episode 274 - 12-23-2015
Los Angeles. Casey almost forgot the camera before leaving with the motorcycle. Lunch at Berverly Hills. Weird moment when your are vlogging in the bathroom and a person enters while you are talking to yourself. Shopping, he is not good at shopping, especially 2 days before Christmas. A Lamborghini in front of the Ferrari, Casey asks Candice which one does she want. She tries to open the Lamborghini but can't find the door handle. Barneys Newyork store, it is where Candice sells her jewelry: Finn. He has found the best sweater. stripes and a T-rex. He is taking it... in fact no, it is crazy expensive. He makes us think about the price. $1,190 ! In the car, they are looking for a view above LA. 2 hours later. They don't have accomplished anything. Heading back home, finally. He takes the boosted board to get the motorcycle he left on the other side of the city. He has to take the helmet. No idea on how he will take the boosted board back, but he will manage. He sits on it. At night Casey goes on a date with Candice, the baby is home. In a fancy restaurant Casey asks Candice if after a week here she wants to live more or less here. Candice ate a lot, even the chocolate cookies they were supposed to take out. They go next to a store front window to take pictures at night. The light is perfect.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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