Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 269 from season 1.

2015-12-18 - only 1 thing in the world scares me, this is it.

Season 1 - Episode 269 - 12-18-2015
Los Angeles. Casey asks Francine to come, she crawls away. Filling the gas tank of the motorcycle Casey explains that it is not a very practical mean of transportation especially when you have a wife and a baby. Early morning ride to find the organic baby formula he didn't find yesterday. Mission accomplished. At home they prepare the bottle, Francine doesn't want it. carousel with wooden horses, Francine tries it on Candice's knees. Quick family lunch. Candice and Francine will probably go for shopping after that. Francine crawls everywhere in the restaurant. The rest of the afternoon he put his camera away, he had something important to do. No cohesion in this morning's vlog. His friend asked him to vlog about the situation because it is real. So we see Casey in an hospital room. His friend is Jake Roper (jakeawr on youtube). He just had a surgery to remove a sarcoma (cancer) from his leg and now he is stuck in a bed. He is 27. He discovered he had cancer 3 weeks ago. Casey asks him questions. What went through his head when the doctor said him he had cancer: he ha still so many things to do before dying. Casey asks himself very often: what would I've done differently? And he immediately does the thing because he doesn't want to be full of regrets. Jake explains than when we make things that is a piece of us that is captured forever. That's who we are. The prognosis is good. When he leaves the hospital Casey says that he is impressed on how positive Jake is. He had no intention to film there but the first thing Jake asked is "where is your camera". In his Q&A, one question that comes very often is what is his biggest fear: getting sick. Because it is not fair.f you crash on a motorcycle that's fair because motorcycles are dangerous, you take a risk. Having cancer is not fair. Candice is wearing a black hoodie, she looks like a criminal. 55 degrees outside. Stop at his other friend Max. Casey finds that he is looking fit, maybe he has lifted a lot of weight... Max doesn't want to talk about it on the vlog. Max explains a weird situation that happened in New York City, he was in a restaurant, a waiter recognizes him and Priscilla from Casey's vlog and says that he likes their house. We see a dumbbell. Stop in a store to get junk food before going home. At night Casey discovers that the white balance is off on the whole episode. Francine making gunny sounds in front of the carousel.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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