chaine1 : -this-jacket-exists--but-there-s-only-1
Casey Neistat THIS JACKET EXISTS! but there's only 1: season 1 episode 266 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 266 from season 1.

2015-12-15 - THIS JACKET EXISTS! but there's only 1

Season 1 - Episode 266 - 12-15-2015
He has a lot of responsibilities at Beme, today they include making grilled cheese sandwiches for the whole team. They leave for LA tomorrow, but later today there will be something he has been waiting for a long time. Proviz reflect 360+ jacket. In the street he passes next to the dollar pizza restaurant, he used to go there every day. Today is a very full day but... Q&A. He would have done another intro but this one is so good and was so hard to make. How doesn't he loose his RayBans. He has lost maybe 20 of these, he always have a bunch of them around. Also he engraves his name on it. Funny story: during a video shoot fo JCrew in Mexico, he has lost a pair into the ocean. Gone forever. A month later he received a phone call, a spanish girl has found them and mailed them back to him. What is he most excited about 2016. What should someone do if he wants to be a photographer but has no support from family. What is his happiest moment in his life so far and what is the happiest time in his life so far. When he has free time what is his favorite thing to do. Why is he so focused on NYC these days. How did he feel when he moved to NYC from Connecticut at such a young age. Now... boosted board to pick his leather jacket. It is ready. He likes it. Inside a label says "this jacket was made for Casey Neistat, Made in New York City 12.14.2016". He tries it, the hood is exactly what he wanted. He goes down to visit the place they made it. On his boosted board ride back, he explains how he has met the owner of the shop. He had a pair of jeans form this shop Jean's Shop. When he crashed with his motorcycle he had the jeans on, in the ambulance they cut the jeans. He mailed him his shredded jeans and they sent him a brand new pair. He is not excited about clothes, he only has clothes he has bought. This jacket, he has been involved in its creation. At night Marlin the UPS guy says to another guy who works with him "have some respect young man, do you know who Casey is". Casey says happy holiday and new year to Marlin.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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