Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 265 from season 1.

2015-12-14 - I Used To Be Chubby

Season 1 - Episode 265 - 12-14-2015
Casey shows pictures on an iPhone of a friend falling from a 2 wheels hoverboard. Today is Monday, Wednesday very early morning they leave for Los Angeles. He has things to explain today, but before he has a friend, Dan, who comes from South Africa. He suggest that they take the boosted boards. Dan thinks he can do it. Not easy at the beginning. Casey explains that Dan is like a champion surfer in South Africa and he can't make fun of him on the boosted board because when he went to South Africa, Dan was the guy who helped him to learn how to ride a surf board. After a while Dan is having fun on the board, almost like on a surf board. Stop at Juice Press, lots of green stuff. Back in the studio, Dan has to leave to take a flight. Lot of reoccurring themes in the vlog: 2 main themes those days, which are absolutely contradictory. How he absolutely loves New York City and how Candice and him are always talking about moving and leaving NYC. Their business are in NYC. Even if they talk about it it does not mean that they will leave tomorrow or this week, it is years in the future. He picks a book in his library. No country for old men but it doesn't matter. A book is a perfect metaphor for how he sees life. A book is made with chapters. Life is broken in chapters. Compartmentalized parts of life. Chapter 1: Childhood. Chapter 2: becoming an adult with all the tough times: dropping high school, pregnant girlfriend, living in a trailer park... Chapter 3: New York City. Chasing a dream. Chapter 4: probably something related to the curiosity of making something else, discover more things. NYC is for the young and broke or the old and rich. He is neither of the two. He leaves the studio saying that it has been 8 months since he started vlogging. Special end of the vlog, he announces that he will post a second video this afternoon at 3pm, he asks comments about it.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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