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Casey Neistat POLICE SITUATION: season 1 episode 239 youtube vlog

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Episode number 239 from season 1.


Season 1 - Episode 239 - 11-18-2015
A guy comes in front of Casey's camera and says yeaaahh. Casey is eating a banana. He wants to share something he hasn't talked about until now. He wants to maximize every minute of his life. In his studio he puts black tape on his jacket logo. He struggles with the do more, focus more to accomplish more, but on the other side, the pragmatic thing is that there are only 24 hours in a day. He explains the situation with coins representing hours. He still wants more: more time to train for running, more time to work for Beme... so the reality is the only way of doing more is to focus on the quality of the hours than on the quantity. Because if he takes more time on a task it means less time for something else. He needs to be more efficient. He starts with better food. No more candy. He has made a movie a long time ago for the New York Times, to check the stated facts of the companies about the number of calories in their food. Meeting at Tumblr with Matt the CTO of Beme. His previous blog was technical engineer at Tumblr. In the street a guy is being restrained on the floor by 2 police officers. He seems a little bit crazy, he was jumping in front of traffic. Maybe the guy what drunk or had mental issues. Boosted board. He is always the first. Super fun meeting, they have impressive offices. Conference call in a few minutes in his own office so only 20 minutes to go back. Then he goes home. Tonight he has a talk. He only shows a small part of it.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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