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Casey Neistat Airport Ripoff: season 1 episode 229 youtube vlog

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Episode number 229 from season 1.

2015-11-08 - Airport Ripoff

Season 1 - Episode 229 - 11-08-2015
Houston, Texas. Casey puts his penny board and suitcase in the over head compartment of the plane... at least tries. Caseyl leaves the hotel in the morning. 6:55am he goes to the airport. He leaves the place alone, Candice and Francine will flight to NYC later this day. Uber drive to the airport. He talks with the check-in attendant, also with a guy in the airport about making videos. There was a direct flight but he insisted to fly American Airlines, so he has a layover in Dallas. 15 minutes to switch plane. $13 salad, $4 bottle of water, $2 banana, ready to go. Funny video tricks with airplanes flying slow, some fast. He his the first on the plane. His shows his small bag with his phone, wallet... 4.5 hours flight, he will try to work. The plane lands, pennyboard in the airport. Someone is picking him up. Uber ride home. Casey talks on the phone with Candice, she will probably arrive before him or almost at the same time because she had a direct flight and landed in another airport. Candice,Francine and Owen are there when he arrives. At night he explains the time before he lives in New York, when he was washing dishes in another city and came back for the week-end, he was so depressed at the end of the week-end of having to come back in the city he worked. Here it is the opposite, he really misses NYC when he leaves the city. Casey shows the end of a shot he has made in the airport escalator, the camera arrives at the end and almost crashed but he managed to pick it up.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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