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Casey Neistat Casey Neistat's Guide to Filmmaking: season 1 episode 202 youtube vlog

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Episode number 202 from season 1.

2015-10-12 - Casey Neistat's Guide to Filmmaking

Season 1 - Episode 202 - 10-12-2015
Today's vlog will be purely technical. Gear doens't matter. He explains that his HBO show was not high def, shot on tape, the one your parent's used to shoot your third birthday. Bike lanes: more than 15 millions views, was shot on a Canon point and shoot camera. Canon 380S. He talks about a movie called Tarnation, which had awards everywhere... $218 budget, edited with iMovie. Some thought about his cameras. 3 years old Samsung Galazy S3: it looks fine. If you don't have money for a camera just use a cellphone. Cellphone cameras are great. If you have $100 buy a cheap point and shoot. For $300 Canon S120. For the same price, why not a gopro? The zoom lens. The really wide angle is not suitable for long videos. The very best point and shoot: Sony RX100 mark IV: $900. But for that price a much better option is the Canon T6S, the cheapest SLR. He uses a Canon 70D with a wide angle lens. the setup he uses is a $2,000 budget. Canon 5D mark III with a L series lens, probably a $5,000 setup. The difference between all of them is tiny. The more you spend, the less and less quality upgrade you have. Think about the sound too. But what really is important is STORY. The things around (4K resolution, special effects...) are used to serve the story. The only way to progress is to do it over and over.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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