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Casey Neistat TRAPPED IN AN AIRPORT: season 1 episode 187 youtube vlog

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Episode number 187 from season 1.


Season 1 - Episode 187 - 09-27-2015
Mexico City. You know you are in San Francisco when in the airport you see a "Check out our Yoga room" sign. Saturday morning. New 360 video, he wants to make a shot in the pool. The pool has a part made of glass. It's cold. Boosted board, even if everybody advised him against doing that. But the streets are closed to car trafic. Every sunday they shut down the main streets. Mexican chihuahua's. Back at the hotel to pack then go to the airport. Pennyboarding in the airport. Flight to Dallas, then San Francisco. No cameras... pennyboarding on the escalator. He gets a golf cart to switch terminals. His flight is being delayed 4 hours, back to the original terminal. He is not mad at all because he has work to do. He meets a friend, Rogan from the November Project. Nationwide running club. His work went great, the 360 video is ready. Too bad the pool shot did not work. Finally they are able to board and to take off. Car rental, his car is one mile away, he uses the boosted board to reach the place. Insane hotel room. 3am it's time to edit today's video.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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