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Casey Neistat Bowling Shoe Beer Chugging: season 1 episode 184 youtube vlog

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Episode number 184 from season 1.

2015-09-24 - Bowling Shoe Beer Chugging

Season 1 - Episode 184 - 09-24-2015
Outside at night on the boosted board, Casey wears a light belt. He leaves tomorrow for the OFF Festival in Mexico city. Meetings and emails for the whole day. Dean his brother is there, they talk for a while then he leaves. Abysmal day. He wants to take his boosted board. He has a special bag for it, he is ready for the airport. Oscar just released a video today. Shot 6 months ago. In the street with Candice and Francine. Candice is wearing a strange outfit today: flip flops with socks. Francine smiles. His trip will be 11 days. He won't be able to see the family, he hates that. Heading home for family time. Company party tonight so he has to meet the team before. A small stop at the Apple store, the new iPhone will be sold tomorrow, he wants to check the lines. He explains than last year the phones were like gray market pre sold to the Chinese market, so Chinese people were waiting to buy the iPhone to then sell it to people in China. When he explained that in last year video, people said it was racist, but it's just that the market was in China, that's all. "Exporters" phenomena. Boosted board at night. Bowling alley. Jack drinks from a bowling shoe. Casey launchs a camera on the bowling alley.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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